About Us
A Sustainable Approach To Creating Awareness
Many ask what the significance of ‘Grass-Fed Beef’ is… Essentially, our cattle remain on pasture all year long and are not fattened on grain. Research has show that that grass-fattened cattle produce a lean beef with enhanced flavor, OMEGA-3 fatty acids, CLAs and anti-oxidants, all good healthy stuff. To get healthy gains on our grass-finished animals, we must keep fresh grass in front of them ALL THE TIME! This means daily pasture moves for the finishing animals (12-24 months of age) and every 3-days for the cows and calves. We replace big equipment and feed storage infrastructure with fences, lots of fences and lots of fence maintenance! I would rather walk through the grass with a maul, 3-fence posts, a hammer and a bucket of fence insulators than travel back and forth on a tractor all day. So why is this an eco-friendly project? A couple ways: Grass-fed allows us to use a lot of clover and alfalfa in our pastures (rocket fuel for cattle) but these plants also scavenge nitrogen from the atmosphere and make it available to other plants in the pasture. The end result: we don’t have to purchase expense and energy intensive nitrogen fertilizers.

We use a grazing system that allows us to graze early in the spring and late in the fall, so we minimize the amount of tractor time required to harvest winter feed. The end result: Fewer diesel fuel emissions from equipment.
We feed hay and silage bales on the pasture where cows will graze the following season. The end result: Manure nutrients are deposited where they are needed, and spread evenly across the pasture area. We don’t have to start the tractor in the spring to spread manure, cattle don’t have to walk through a dirty barnyard all fall/winter/spring and we get the best use of our manure nutrients possible, again reducing the need for energy intensive fertilizer inputs. Our soils are packed with organic matter and continually sequester more carbon as the years go on.

LVB cattle remain on pasture all year long and are not fattened on grain. Research has show that that grass-fattened cattle produce a lean beef with enhanced flavor, OMEGA-3 fatty acids, CLAs and anti-oxidants,all good healthy stuff. To get healthy gains on our grass-finished animals, we must keep fresh grass in front of them ALL THE TIME!